Hello, world! This is

Marcell Hayes

I’m an artist pursuing UX and XR design

Finding a comfortable bridge between tech and art…

As with many, my career has been far from a straight line. But I see that as a strength.

Since college, I’ve always been considered a unicorn of sorts in that I was never afraid of computers, even as an illustration major. There always a clear divide between left-brain and right-brain that I could never fully buy into.

I started working in the computer lab on campus and really liked the feeling of being able to help others. And after having that experience under my belt, it was easy for me to find IT jobs because of it. So, for the time being, I embraced the security. It was an interesting starting point that I was able to learn from, but was never the long-term goal.

That time in my life taught me a lot of about troubleshooting issues and communicating. I believe these are skills that I would be valued in any working environment, and carry over to programming very effectively.

Now, (one less student loan later) I’m attempting to rework my career and head in a direction where those two worlds are merged more seamlessly. The idea of designing and then creating something that is fully functional, from beginning to end, is something I’m working toward.

What I’ve learned:

  • HTML, Pug
  • JavaScript, jQuery
  • Angular
  • Ajax
  • MySQL
  • Postman
  • Git
  • NodeJS
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Wireframing
  • Figma, Adobe XD
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Blender (3D software)
For a brief time, I learned about QA testing...
  • Python
  • Selenium

Currently learning:

  • React
  • threeJS

UX Case Studies

ROTA App Case Study

Prompt: Design Project for Social Good

Figma Prototype + Sheets Presentation

ROTA App thumbnail

Food Finder App Case Study

Prompt: Design Project for Social Good

Figma Prototype + Sheets Presentation

Food Finder app thumbnail

Summit App Case Study

Prompt: Design Project for Social Good

Figma Prototype + Sheets Presentation

SUMMIT app thumbnail


Front End

Feel free to reach out