I'm an artist with
IT and Web Design experience
currently looking for UX work.
Why UX?
I’ve always been considered a unicorn of sorts in that I was never afraid of computers, even as an illustration major. There was always a divide between left-brain and right-brain that I could never fully buy into.
I started working in the computer lab on campus and really liked the feeling of being able to help others. And after having that experience under my belt, it was easy for me to find IT jobs because of it. So, for the time being, I embraced the security. It was an interesting starting point that I was able to learn from, but was never the long-term goal.
That time in my life taught me a lot of about troubleshooting issues and communicating. I believe these are skills that I would be valued in any working environment, and carry over to UX very effectively. However, it never felt like the end goal. I decided I’d like to be known for choosing and making those decisions in the design process that affect the user journey instead of just being the line of defense for when something goes wrong.
UX is my happy medium
I just wish I’d known about this field of work earlier!
What I value?
I value human-centered design, and holistic living. Through a lot of self-reflection and personal development, I’ve learned that many problems can be solved with clear communication and compassion. In tech, a lot of movers and shakers in the industry try to find really convoluted and expensive solutions for issues could easily be solved with one of these two things. Culturally, it seems we’re often looking for high-tech BandAids for issues that have already been solved in the past or did not necessarily need solutions. But instead of cursing technology altogether, or becoming pessimistic about the state of everything, I would like to be a part of the team that sets out to work on making positive changes.
I love the outdoors and I love the idea of a world where technology facilitates that love instead of discourages going outside and living. With easily accessible VR and AR on the horizon, I’d love to create a world that encourages uesrs to look around instead of isolate themselves. I’d like UI that doesn’t feel like annoying popup ads and distracting holograms. I see a future that can be full of progress and optimism with the right kind of thinking.